Martes, Hulyo 31, 2012

Picture by David Wyatt

This art work is made by an artist named  David Wyatt. I really don’t know anything about him but what I know is that this artwork is splendid. I am very fund of black and white artworks that is why I’am attracted to this picture. It resembles a wide range of imagination and fantasy. 
I see a ship in this picture, people about to enter the ship, creatures that looks like jelly fishes, and rays of light coming from above. Maybe the ship is an under water ship because it has boosters that ship from above the water doesn’t have. The water people are also about to enter the ship that’s why the ship opened its doors. The jelly fishes added to the drama of the scene. It makes me feel that they are celebrating for a future voyage of the ship. Its like the sky is calling them to journey the world above. A place for them that seems impossible to reach and now they are on their way.
  Wow!!! What a nice piece of art created by David Wyatt. It's cool and awesome. I wonder how long did he finished his artwork. Definitely requires patience to obtain a splendid masterpiece like this picture.

I have no hint of what's the idea of this image. I see a big ship, the rays of light from above, the 4 people entering the ship. I'm not sure about those things that surrounds the ship. Is that a jellyfish or something? Well, I think it's a jellyfish. The ship seems under the ocean. I think the 4 individuals are already dead because of the tragedy happened to the ship. It sank maybe because of storm. Those jellyfishes represent as the ghosts calling them from above to continue their journey.

I can say that David has pure talent. Just looking at his artwork inspires me. Makes me feel the feeling of satisfaction.                                                                    

Sabado, Hulyo 14, 2012


December 21, 2012 (Judgement day)

Are you distress about the coming "Judgement Day"? The end of the world is coming closer. What do you think will happen on December 21? Will the prediction of Mayans come true despite all of the previous predictions failed? Well I don't think so. There are some people who think that the world will end this time for sure but others are denying that their predictions are hype. 

Before I begin with my opinion, lets talk about Mayan Calendar. 

Maya did'nt invent the calendar. This was used by most civilizations in Central America. Mayan calendar moves in sequence that ends on December 2012 with the last rotation. It's just like a set of gears interlocking that includes a system of calendars which is more accurate than Gregorian calendar.

Click the below link to see the interpretation of the Mayan Calendar.


As we know, the world will end one day. The things that we see will eventually die. I wonder if the world is ending soon,    I can stop worrying about my problems and enjoy the money I've been trying to save for something's very important matter. But what if it doesn't end and I have no savings- ahhhwww this is frustrating! No I'm just kidding. In my opinion, no one can tell what will happen but only God can even Mayans are proficient mathematicians. I think there is nothing about to worry only because it's a belief. The world had been predicted before. It's just like the previous predictions way back in 1999 and 2000.
If there's nothing to happen on December 21, 2012, I guess there's a lot of editing will happen why the earth did not go off.

Linggo, Hulyo 8, 2012


What the hell is going on? It seems that this is weird, strange and pointless. Inexplicable, the mood, settings, rabbit suits and the general concept especially in their dialogues.


Suzie: I am going to find out one day. When will you tell it?

Jack: Were there any calls?

Suzie: What time is it? 
(viewers are laughing)
Jack: I have a secret.

Suzie: There have been no calls today. (viewers laugh again)

As you can see with their dialogues, three rabbits talk out of chain. Emotionless, act like psychos, intricate response. The audience laughs and claps whenever one of them enters the room and I can't figure it out what so funny. I think this not a horror show because there is nothing creepy happens, neither a comedy show even the audience laughs. A dark play/ stage show? maybe but without a story line.

Nothing is happening. The entire dialog and concept between the rabbits is completely absurd. I am not going to pretend that I understand RABBITS and act that I found the interpretation of this clip. I don't know what I've watched.